released Chaos 1.17FW beta

Hi Guys! So, yes, Chaos have a new firmware release which unlocks a new, really powerful, sequencer mode.
I think this changes the module nature and capabilities in a pretty deep way.
We've to make a video guide of it and update the manual so this will take some times.
I will upload a beta firmware in the next few days so if you want jump in without a manual here is a change log which explains a little bit the new features:


From the latest 1.17v firmware a reset function is added as a second function of the loop gate input.
Access to the input assign and go to the second position ( the one which refers to the loop input behaviour), then, press the encoder.
The LED will turns red, indicating that you have activated the reset function on that channel.
Now, every time you will send a gate into the LOOP input, instead of toggling the LOOP function the loop will reset to it's first step.
You can abilitate reset function on all channel together by selecting all the channels and modify the input assign as a global.


From 1.17V we've made a drastical revision of the firmware which expands the power of CHAOS beyond any prior limits.
Talking about the workflow, CHAOS has already proven to be an handful device to sketch and create rhythm and sequence on the fly.
Sometimes you love this ability to quickly create something that has a musical sense, sometimes you would prefer to have the ability to edit the sequence in a more traditional way: add a pause into a specific step, change some notes etc.

From now, once you've looped some steps, by simply pressing the encoder you'll enter in the new EDIT mode.
This new mode transforms Chaos in a very detailed and powerful sequencer where you can change in every single step any parameters you usually edit globally on a channel.

Parameters in EDIT mode act a little bit different from normal operation:

  • On value bar, the orange LED indicates the current step you're editing, the red one is the one you're hearing.
    Chaos EDIT mode has not a "following" behaviour, so the focus is on the edited step.
    If the sequence has more then 8 steps, pages are indicated as in the LOOP mode.

  • without pressing any button, turning the encoder will now change the selected step, not the channel.

  • Since we are not no more speaking about set a range of notes which the engine can pick from but a single specific one, ground transpose is now the note selection from C0 to C8.

  • Voltage window button, is now a new control called deviation: by increasing it you will have random variations on that specific note making it lower or higher. The higher the value the more the new random note will be distant from the original one.

  • To add a pause, set the step probability to 0%.

  • You can edit the loop step number as always but when in edit mode, if you increase the loop length the newer ones will be clones of the last, in this way, if you decrease steps you will erase it from the memory.
    i.e. if you decrease loop length to 1 and then increase it to 16 you will have all identical steps. This is pretty useful if you want to start from zero but with all steps with specific parameters.
    Loop length selection in LOOP mode works like always.

  • You can copy and paste a step into the same sequence by pressing briefly the save button.

  • You can still edit the loop globally in EDIT mode by pressing LOOP button + modifiers.

  • Probability, width, time, ratcheting, swing, slew amount works the same but are now intended for each step.

  • time now is not a divider/multiplier control, it set the step duration. So, set the divider/multiplier for the channel and then every step duration

  • Input assign options, scale and root note are intended globally for channel, you can't edit it for every step.

  • In EDIT mode, press again the encoder to return to normal LOOP mode.


Clank Video Manual pt2


Superbooth '23